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Understanding and Getting Help with Your Divorce


The last thing that anyone thinks about when getting married is getting divorced. The truth is, about 40 percent of marriages end in divorce. Especially when children are involved, divorce can be a very difficult thing to endure. It is important that you have at least a basic knowledge of the process and your rights before starting this process. One of the most important things to consider is getting a lawyer on your side. Here is more information about family and divorce law and what it means for your situation.


First, it is important to understand that each state differs on divorce and family laws. The laws in North Carolina may not apply in South Carolina. From property division, to child support, even to time allowed between filing for marriage again, states differ on various aspects of divorce law. It also important to understand that you have to file to divorce in the state you live in, even if you feel there are other states with laws that are more in your favor. Also, be sure you hire a lawyer that is licensed the state you will be getting divorced. This lawyer will know all of the laws of the particular state and will be able to help you with all of your family and divorce law questions for your state.


There are different types of divorce that you can file for. Here is more information on the most common types of divorce and how they can affect you.


Uncontested Divorce- which is the best and easiest method, is when you and your spouse are able to work together to agree on the terms of the divorce and then file the appropriate paperwork to make the divorced finalized. This is the easiest type because there is typically no trial for these types of divorce. Find out more about lawyers here at  


No-Fault Divorce- Instead of placing blame for the spouse that caused the divorce, which used to be the norm for filing for divorce, states now offer no-fault divorce. This is when there is no blame placed on either end, rather the spouse who files for divorce states there are "irreconcilable differences" or a "irremediable breakdown" of the relationship was the cause. These types of divorce need a lawyer from this link involved to work out the terms and help with paperwork involved.


Mediated Divorce- This is when a mediator becomes involved in the process. You and your spouse sit down with a neutral third party who helps the two of you resolve any issues you have and will help you to communicate to come up with an agreement.


Collaborative Divorce- this is when both parties hire a lawyers who will work together to settle your case. It is a collaborative effort between the two lawyers as well as both parties in the divorce. If the divorce cannot be settled through this process, both lawyers withdraw from the case and a trial will be started with new lawyers.


Contested Divorce- This is the messiest type of divorce. This is when there are no agreements that can be made mutually and the terms have been argued about relentlessly with no agreement, so you decide to take it to a judge, and in many cases a trial. Hiring a lawyer for these types of divorce is essential.


In any case, you will want to talk to a lawyer about divorce, especially if children are involved. You will want to make sure that everything is done correctly and fairly throughout the process. If there are children involved, it is good to hire a lawyer who specializes in family and divorce law. Make sure you look into different lawyers and find one that fits your case and your situation best. Check online reviews and get referrals from sources that you know. Make sure you go to a consultation with the lawyer, which will give you the best indication of their personality and character to determine if they are an appropriate fit. Make sure you look into more than one lawyer and make your decision after seeing which one best fits your case.


No matter the situation, divorce can be very hard to deal with. Make sure you get the help you need by hiring a divorce and family and personal injury attorney greenville sc to help you through this hard time.

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